Sunday, March 30, 2014

Chapter 3


Shinn : Who the hell are you?
Mika : (turned around)Yes?
Shinn : What are you doing in my room?
Mika : Your room-- oh. I was
Shinn : Shut up.Get out.(shouted)
Mika : Chill Mister.You don’t have to shout.
Mika :Excuse me ,rude.
Shinn : Oh,which one is more rude.Sneaking into my room and stealing my stuffs.GET OUT.
Mika : Excuse me.Please mind your mouthful of junks
Mika did not move an inch at all.Shinn closed the door and walked towards her.
Shinn : Oh I get it,you must be another trash they found for me.I don’t need you so I better be done with you now.
Mika : (looking at Shinn with no expression at all)
Shinn : Or….

Mika stepped back one at a time as Shinn get closer.And when she hit the wall,Shinn smiled and in a flash he punched the wall beside Mika’sface and created a big hole. Mika’s face shows no expression and Shinn looked at her with a question mark on his face.He cant believe that Mika did not move an inch or shriek at all.

Shinn : (looking at Mika with a shocked face)
Mika : Do you really think that is gonna scare me?(rubbing the dust on her left shoulder)

Shinn was about to touc Mika’s face but then Mika caught his hand and twist them and in a swift she flipped him and he fell.In a flash

Shinn : (shriek)

At the same time,Yumi and Shouji arrived and quickly open the door.

Three of them were in a completed shocked to see Shinn lying on the floor mumbling about his aching hand and back while Mika is leaning on the wall as nothing has happened.

Yumi : oh my god.(looking at Shinn)
Shouji : This is something new here.(blinking his eyes)
Suzu : This is cool.Very cool.(looking at Shinn with a disbelief face)
Mika : I suppose you were right about this brat Ishia-san.
Shouji and Suzu tried to conceal their laugh when Mika called him “brat”.
Shinn : (stood up). Im sorry?
Mika :Apologize accepted.
Shinn : What.
Yumi : (laughed).im gonna like you more than ever Mika-san.
Shinn : Mika?
Shouji : May I introduce you,your new personal assistant.Mika. Mika-san,this is Mizuhara Shinn.
Mika : We shall get along pretty fine.Old-man.
Shinn : Did you just call me an old man?
Mika : How old are you?
Shinn : Im 34 damn it.
Mika : Old enough.
Shouji : Pretty sure,you guys will get along “pretty well”.


Shinn : (glaring at Mika)
Mika : (reading Shinn’s schedule)
Yumi :Alright then,I’ll leave Mizuhara-sama to you then.Mika-san?
Mika : No problem Ishia-san.
Shinn : No problem my ass.
Mika : I hope your ass is safe until you reach the Kazuki Golden Palace this evening young man.
Shinn : What do I have to do  there?
Mika : You have fitting session for the next upcoming show that is arranged to be near this ending of the month. Fitting session would last around 3 hours.I hope you survive.
Shinn : Kazuki is 45 minutes from here.Have you called the driver? (smirks)Or you don’t even know who to call ? I knew it.Another useless assistant.

Mika : He is ready ,outside.
Suzu : (waving from outside)
Shinn : (annoyed).
Mika : Gear up young man.Get both of your brains working. (stood up)
Shinn : (smug) First rule you have to know Mika-san. None of my personal assistant got to ride with me in the car.
Yumi : (sigh) NO worries,I can arrange a car for you Mika-san.
Mika : No need Ishia-san.No worries.I can deal with this.
Shinn : (stood up)Yes Ishia-san.You don’t have to do everything for this new stranger.

Mika : After you*bows(ignoring Shinn’s statement)
Shinn : Shut up.(annoyed)

Shinn walked towards the car and Suzu opened the door and bid Mika and Yumi goodbye before driving off.

Mika : (checking her iPhone) The traffic is quite congested this hour.
Yumi : It is lunch hour Mika-san.How are you gonna find a taxi or are you planning to take the bus?
Mika : No worries  Ishia-san.I know what to do.Well then,i’ll see you soon then(bows and went out through the main gate)
Yumi : Oh god,I should have called for a car.another car.
Shouji : What what?What  happened.   
Yumi : I am afraid that Mika-san is gonna get fired today.
Shouji : What made you say so?
Yumi : Shinn and his number one rule.
Shouji : OH that one.The previous one got fired because she insisted to get in the same car right?
Yumi : Tragic incident .But I really really like this one.
Shouji : You said the same thing two years ago.
Yumi : I don’t think we should talk about that one.
Shouji : Pardon me then.I should get going.
Yumi : (sigh) Alright me too.

The traffic was quite congested that the cars are  moving so slow and none of the vehicles on the road are moving anywhere except bikers and cyclists.

Suzu : A busy day indeed Mizuhara-sama.I think this is gonna take longer than 1 hour.
Shinn :I had enough annoyance for today Suzu.The traffic,this morning,sister and that new girl
Suzu: Mika-san eh?(laughing while looking at side mirrors)

Suddenly there were a loud engine screeching sound that made Shinn looked back and he saw a rider riding a black matte superbike going  in between the congested traffic  and passed by Shinn’ s car.

Suzu : That is so bloody cool.Maybe we should get one.
Shinn : And ,I have to ride behind you?Good Idea.(laughed)
Suzu : Why not (laughing)

Shinn eyed the rider wearing black leather jacket as it pass through all cars and got through the traffic light in a flash because it was riding so fast. Shinn then ignored the surrounding and thought of the new girl

Shinn : What do you think about the new annoying assistant?
Suzu : I have no idea.Never got the chance to talk to her.But she sure have a pretty hair.
Shinn : Hmmph.All I can think of how in the world is she gonna get to Kazuki before me.I doubt any trains and buses would be a big help at this moment.
Suzu : The nearest train station would be 10 minutes from the Kazuki place.If you take a bus of course.If you are walking, probably took about 15 to 20 or more.Considering the weather now.Kazuki is Ikebukuro.It would be about 10 stops? From Tokyo Station?
Shinn : I am sure I can fire her today.
Suzu : I have no idea Shinn,I mean Mizuhara-sama.
Shinn : (laughing) That would pay of the humiliation for this morning

The thought of Mika making him fell own after twisting his arm had made his brain drained because it was a first for him.


  1. kyaaa~~
    kakkoi mika-saaan!
    eh,, ikebukuro? sounds like durara now. hahaha

    1. I picked the places randomly.Since Ikekuburo eh wait,was it Ikebukuro or Ikekuburo....
