Monday, April 7, 2014

Chapter 20

Mika walked too fast that she is gasping for air and sat at one of the bench facing the pond.

Mika : what just happened….(breathing hard)
Mika tried to catch her breath by inhaling and exhaling slowly.One step at a time.(looked around)
Mika : So this is the backyard HIiro mentioned earlier.
Mika gathered her senses and she knew she would have to go back to the ballroom as soon as she can.
Mika : Alright.Alright.I am fine now.I should get myself back into the ballroom.With no haste.

Mika arranged her hair and skirts and make her way to the exit door she took before finding herself in the garden.She opened the door and closed it slowly so that it wont make any noise.
When she turned around  to walk,she was shocked to find Shinn leaning on the wall few steps infront of her. He was just leaning there,with his arm crossed,looking straight at her)

Mika :Why are you here?
Shinn : Why are YOU here?
Mika : I was just…getting some fresh air.

Shinn uncrossed his arm and walked towards Mika.

Mika :What are you doing
Shinn : I doubt that fresh air excuse.

Shinn stood too close to Mika that Mika stepped backward and whenever she did that,Shinn just got closer and closer until Mika’s back hit the wall and she cant move anywhere else.

Mika : What are you doing?
Shinn : What did Hiiro say to you?
Mika : What?
Shinn : What did he tell you?
Mika : Nothing.
Shinn : Don’t lie Mika.
Mika : I said nothing.

Mika was about to turn to her right and escape that awkward conversation but Shinn put his hand behind her and caged her so that she could not run away.

Shinn : Im gonna ask you nicely Mika,what did he tell you?
Mika : (speechless)
Shinn : I knew he said something to you back in the ballroom before you ran to the garden.what is it?
Mika : It was nothing .Alright,nothing.Why are you doing this?

Shinn didn’t realized his doings and quickly took his hand off the wall.

Shinn : Im sorry.I got carried away.
Mika : You better be sorry.What is wrong with you.
Shinn : No,nothing .Nothing.
Mika : (looking at Shinn)
Shinn :It bugs me to see Hiiro getting too close with you
Mika : (puzzled)
Shinn : Just don’t get too close with him.
Mika : I don’t understand.
Shinn : Forget about it,come lets go home.Im tired.


Shinn parked infront of the house gate and Mika quickly opened the door and got herself out of his car.Shinn too got out of the car.

Mika : What do you want now.
Shinn : IM sorry for what happened at the mansion earlier.
Mika : (sigh)
Shinn :  I wish I can tell you everything but nevermind.Go inside and rest.See you next Monday .(smiles)

Mika said nothing and went inside.Shinn got into the car after Mika went inside.He sighed a little before driving home.


Shinn went to his own apartment because he thought he need sometime alone.Going back to the palace is not a good idea he thought.After taking a shower he went to this reading room and sat on his chair.He didn’t realized that he suddenly fell asleep.

Shinn : What do you mean I have an assistant now?
Emi : You are getting busier and busier each day.So I got you an assistant,a younger one.Ishia cant handle you all the time.Shouji too.
Shinn : Do I really need one?
Emi : Yes,and in fact.She is here.Akizuki-san?Are you there?

A girl opened the door and walked in and Emi quickly stood to stand beside her.

Emi : This is Akizuki Rena.She will be your personal assistant starting from now.AKizuki-san,this is Mizuhara Shinn.
Shinn : *bowing.
Rena : You are so good looking…Eh oh my god,Im sorry.Im sorry.Akizuki Rena-des.Nice to meet you *bowing

Shinn laughed when Rena panicked when she complimented him infront of Eri and Rena,recklessly.
Shinn suddenly woke up when his phone rang.
Shinn : (looked around)I fell asleep(sigh)

Shinn ran his finger through his hair thinking of the dream he had,or more like a flashback.He quickly went out to get his phone and  it was Emi.

Shinn : Seriously,at this kind of hour Emi?
Emi : I just had to call you (laugh)

Shinn : This better be serious(laughing)

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