Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chapter 39


Haruna was walking home from the shop and suddenly he saw a guy leaning on a car few meters infront of her.She stopped to get a cleared view of the guy.

Haruna : (looking at the guy)Oh shit,it is Shinn.I have to hide hide hide!

Haruna quickly turned around and walked away slowly so that Shinn would not see her.She took a quick glance before taking the other route.

When she reached home she quickly closed the door and went to the kitchen to get  a drink.

Haruna : But who was the other guy?I am so sure there was another guy beside him..


Juuka was walking towards the memorial park,where Kazuya is buried.She was walking really slow as she was carrying flowers in her hand,and it was freezing cold too.As she entered the the memorial park,she saw only one guy there and she thought that she would not be alone there.

She walked pass the guy and bowed a little when the guy saw her.She caught a glance at the name written on the tomb and stopped suddenly.

Juuka : “Akizuki”?

Shinn  turned around when he heard Juuka’s voice.

Shinn : (looking at Juka)

Juuka  didn’t realize she was looking at the tomb really long until Shinn came to her .

Shinn : Miss?
Juuka : OH my god,Im sorry.Im sorry.
Shinn : I heard you said Akizuki just now.You knew her?
Juuka : I am not sure but I guess it is quite possible for us to have similar family names.I guess I must have mistaken the name.But would you mind if I take closer look?
Shinn : No,not at all.(smiles)

Juuka bowed a little before stepping closer to the tomb and tried to read the name.

Juuka : Akizuki Rina 31/12/1989 - 19/12/2012 .Same as Kazuya’s.(whispering)

Shinn quickly looked at Juuka when he heard the name “Kazuya”

Shinn : Kazuya?
Juuka : No,nothing.It’s just,she died on the same day as my close friend,Kazuya. 19th December 2012.
Shinn : Im sorry for your lost.
Juuka : Im sorry for your lost too.Was she your friend?

Juuka looked at Shinn but she cant really make up the face because Shinn wore a face mask to cover his mouth and he wore a black shades.

Shinn : No no.She was my girlfriend.
Juuka : (shocked) I am so sorry that I asked that.
Shinn : No its okay.I don’t mind at all.
Juuka : I should be going now.*bowing
Shinn : Wait,do you mind if I go with you?To Kazuya’s?
JUuka : (smiles) You are really welcome to visit him.

Shinn was surprised that Kazuya’s grave is very near to Rina.It’s exactly the opposite of Rina’s.And when they finally arrived,Juuka quickly kneel and put the flowers near the tomb.

Juuka : Do you know that Kazuya was a very great guy.(smiling ) Losing him could be the hardest thing in my life.
Shinn : I suppose he was not just a friend to you am I right?
Juuka : (sigh) You are right.He was not at all.

Shinn read the name on the tomb and he thought the name sounded very familiar to him.

Shinn : How did he die?
Juuka : Leukimia.I didn’t even know about it until a few days after he was buried.

Juuka  then looked at the tomb and smile.

Juuka : Good Morning Kazuya-san. Sorry I didn’t visit you last month and the months before.And you have to forgive me no matter what.I am getting married that’s why. And I know you would kill me if I don’t invite you.Dont worry you are invited(laughing)

Shinn looked at Juuka as she was talking to Kazuya,as if Kazuya is there to listen to her.

Juuka : I met Mika-san that day.And I gave her the letter you asked me to. I guess,everything is clear now Kazuya.We are even now.You helped me before,and finally I helped you.For the last time..

Shinn was shocked when Juuka said the name Mika and he thought that he need to ask Juuka if the Mika she mentioned is the same Mika that he thought.

Juuka stood and bid Kazuya goodbye and when she turned around Shinn was still there.

Juuka : I completely forgot you are still here.Im sorry you had to hear that (laughed)
Shinn : this may sound weird,but is Mika’s full name Akizuki Mika?
Juuka : (puzzled face) yes yes.How did you know?
Shinn : I get it now.(sigh) Was Kazuya a doctor?

Juuka was very surprised when Shinn said that and quickly nod.

Juuka : Yes indeed.I am abit lost here.Do you know them both?
Shinn : I know Mika but unfortunately didn’t get the chance to know Kazuya.
Juuka : Oh,you must be Mika’s friend then.Are you both close?
Shinn : No,not really.
Juuka : Alright then.Anyway,I am Juuka.Nice to meet you--?
Shinn : Mizuhara Shinn.
Juuka : You have the same name is the Kabuki actor…
Shinn : (laughed)
Juuka : Oh snap,you are him! I knew it,the eyes!
Shinn : Nice meeting you Juuka-san.And I know it may be very early to tell you this but Congratulations on your wedding,your upcoming wedding.
Juuka : Thank you,thank you so much Mizuhara-san.I am honored *bowed


Haruna : (smacking Mika’s head with a pillow) Wake up you lazy ass!You have been doing nothing but sleep for the past few days!
Mika : My head hurts and its keep spinning and spinningggg.
Haruna : (sigh) What am I gonna do with you.
Mika : Do nothing Haruna.Ignore me.
Haruna : How can I let my beloved Mika drowned herself in these pools of pillow!
Mika :…
Haruna : Have you called Ishia-san?
Mika : NO.
Haruna : have you called anyone?
Mika : I turned my phone off since that day.
Haruna :  (sigh)

Mika : I don’t feel like doing anything  Haruna.If you want to go out,go out.Dont mind me here.
Haruna : Of course Im going out.Im going to return this to Caroline.Alright,keep yourself alive alright.Dont die without me!Call me..with anything you can find in this house if you want to me to get you anything okay?

Mika : See you Haruna!*waving

Haruna went out and closed the door.Mika just lie there not doing anything because she does not want to go out and meet anyone.She is scared that she might bumped onto anyone from the Palace,especially Shinn.

Mika : I should just run to Mars now…(sigh)

Haruna walked across the streets and stopped by a a coffee shop to get herself a cup of hot coffee since the temperature has dropped drastically.She then saw a guy leaning at the divider few meters from her house and she thought that guy looks familiar.And then she saw the beanie,the same beanie of the guy that she saw that night.

Haruna : What is that guy trying to do.(walking towards that guy)

As Haruna walked closer the guy turned to her and smiled at her.

Haruna : (stopped walking)
Hiiro : Good Morning.(smiling)
Haruna : (puzzled) Go…od Morning.Do I know you?
Hiiro :I am Mizuhara Hiiro,Shinn’s cousin.
Haruna : Mizuhara?Shinn?Eh,wait what?
Hiiro : I think you have met my cousin Shinn.
Haruna : That useless Shinn?
Hiiro : (laughed) Uselss you may say.
Haruna : What do you want?I think I saw you last two night.What are you doing here?
Hiiro :Do you mind if we talk?
Haruna : what if I say no?
Hiiro : (walked closer to Haruna) Then I would have to force you*wink
Haruna : Where is Shinn?
Hiiro : If you didn’t notice,he has been waiting there since 3 days ago. (pointing at the phone booth).

Haruna looked at the direction Hiiro was showing her and saw Shinn covered in his winter jacket leaning on the phone booth across the small road infront of her house.

Haruna :He has been standing there for 3 days?
Hiiro :Not literally but yes.
Haruna : Okay talk Mizuhara.Talk.
Hiiro : It’s getting cold here.Let me get you a coffee,or maybe some pie?Since you already have one .

Haruna : I could use for a second cup.


  1. Aahhh
    This answered my previous question!!!
    But... why the same date??
    i can imagine the lazing around mikaaa

    1. Deshou neee. Well why the same date? Its fade da youuuu hohohoho
